OMG it´s the time, the time of doing a post talking about the most interesting subjet that been seen at this semester.
well in my humble opinion the best subjet was "Gender Roles and Stereotipes" , beacuse I think that it´s a really importan subjet, I mean, I think is important to talk about something that afect us almost, for not say always, the entire day. And I also think that is really cool to talk about this in class, beacuse I can hear my class mate opinons about this subjet. I also like this topic because, for the relevanse of this, my class mates participate more during the class, so it was really fun to have more interaction during the class.
The other thing that I like that we hear about others contrys opinions about this topic, I´m talking about the listening that we have during the semester were a woman talks about the gender roles in her country and all that stuf, it was really cool to hear a person for another country talking about the gender roles, because now we know that depend of the country this think afect the community in a diferent way.
So yeah this it´s, this is my favorite topic or subjet that capt my atention the moust during this semester
This topic is really interesting!