Hello it´s me Ailín Hello
Today I gonna tell you what are the website that I use the most for looking information that I need to my academic formation. I know that is not sound really fun, but I guest that I don´t have other option.
So, the first website that I always use for looking some information is "Ley Chile" because in this website I can find everything in relation whit the content that I seen at the diferent class that I have, so is really useful.
The other website that I normaly use is Word Referense. I use this site whit the propost of find words(DAH) that I will use in some paper or essay.
The other website I use are the ones that have News in it, like emol or something like that Why? Because I can check and keep it up whit what´s it hapening in the world and in the country obviusly.
So I think that´s all, I mean I don´t have something else to say, sorry for the short and boring post, but for be a 100% honest I didn´t really think a lot of what website I use the most for information I only find and use the information whit the correspondent referense onviusly, I don´t like to use soemone else ideas whitouth mentiont the person, I think than that is like steal or something like that.
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