today I gonna tell you what´s are my favorite tv show ( a serie for be more explicit) and my now days favorite movie.
So first is first, my favorite movie is The Fight Club, I really like it and enjoy it and I can see it over and over aigain I really like the subject of been done of the sistema crict the sistema and see how a person can be afected for the sistema of tv, consumism, and capitalisim. Also I love the caracters especialy the one Brap Pitt does, becaus is the alter ego of the principal caracter, and I mean is Brad Pitt, and the way that he shows her superioriti more than the fisical aspect, also his psicological whay to be, this relax mean that doesn´t need any material things, and have his own versión of fredoom.
But actually the one I love is Marla, the only girl of the movie and, OMG I love it, the way that this person live and do the thing and the way that she see the thing is just amazing.
Also another of my favorite movies, actually is a resent discover, is Lollita, I know, is a relly shocking movie, because it shows the history of a phedofile and a girl, and the history is seen of a persepective of a phedofile, in this case Humbert the man who falls in love whit Dolores a 13th, I think; years old. So yhea I can say that I have a preferens to the caind of movies that make you think and see a total inexistense of the morality, like also Seven another favorite movie of my, and also American Beauty.
Now my favotite serie, actually the only one that I really like, because I not enjoy series or tv shows that much, is Game of Thrones, waaaaauu what a soprise I like a serie that almost everyone in the worl have seen. I really like the serie because of the villians, I mena theya are the best villians I ever seen, and the best thing is that tha villians have a caind of transformation during the serie and also the good guy becomes the bad guy, Daenerys Please the mother of dragons and in the end the queen of the ashes.
So thát´s it , that are my favorites movies and tv series. I hope you like this ones to. Bye.